Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In with the new out with the old!

2013 was a great year! I really mean it. I look back at my photos and feel overflowing gratitude for my family and my life. God is sooo good! 2013 was also a year of huge growth for me internally. I will give much credit to my Father God, but also to an awesome ministry at my church called Celebrate Recovery.
No, I'm not an alcoholic.  I went through the twelve step program to let God fix my anxiety, depression and victim attitude with life.  I cannot say enough about this program, and it can apply to anyone, as we all have "hurts, hangups, and habits" we can't easily part with.
So going into a new year, of course I am excited to see what it brings, but also, I can't help but see this as an opportunity to challenge and motivate myself in areas where I am lacking. Yes, Resolutions.
Yet, my resolutions are "looking back to move forward".

Here are my resolutions for 2014 based on what I learned in 2013.

source: pinterest
1. Schedule more "me" time so I don't feel selfish because I don't have enough "me" time. If I have "me" time each day, then I won't have to feel selfish because I don't have enough "me" time.

2. Find and have joy. No matter what. NO. MATTER. WHAT. This is hard, but yet it helps your perspective on anything. And having Gratitude goes hand in hand with this. It's hard to be crabby when you are grateful.

3. It's not my job to fix you.  That's God's job.  My job is to pray about it.

4. Quit trying to be a perfect parent.  I realize that this is nonexistent. I have to utilize my most powerful tool in my parenting tool box and that is "my time".  Spend more time with my kids doing what they are into.

5.  Saying "no" is saying "yes".  To myself, to my life to my family. When I say no I avoid possible situations or commitments that would keep me from doing the things that are most important. I am stressed if I don't have time because I said, "yes".  And stress = selfish.

6.  How I feel physically is directly related to how I feel spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.  My eating choices and habits are a symptom of all these things. Love of self, acceptance of God's Grace, self control and self-talk (those conversations in your head), all help me to do the things I need to help me feel good physically when all of those things are healthy.  Get that in check and the rest is a lot easier.

7.  Realize I will always make a bad choice if I don't rely on God's strength in me.  It's HIS plan not mine.

8.  Forgive. Always.  Love is forgiveness, forgiveness is love. Even when I can't love someone, I still need to forgive them. When I let go, through forgiveness, I receive joy, and peace and content. Even when I don't want to, I have to. Forgiveness makes it less about me, and more about Jesus. This equals "big win"!

9.  Happiness is a verb.  Happiness is right where you are. This is my life, I have to choose to love it and be happy, not wait for someone or something to make it that way.

10.  Less is more.  Be thankful always. Less makes you cherish what you already have. Which leads to contentment. More makes you feel you don't ever have enough.

Go forward this year, and have faith! Life is full of great and wonderful things, a midst all the bad, despite our trials and struggles!

Cheers and Happy New Year!!

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