Friday, December 14, 2012

Hold tight, pray hard, love more! When bad things happen to others.

It's so hard to understand why bad things happen to good people. Even for a person like me, who feels so strong in my faith, I can't understand why God would allow senseless acts of horror to happen to innocent people.
In the next hours and days following the events of the shootings in Connecticut, many will seek to explain why something like this happened.  You may even hear many cursing God, blaming political parties or leaders.  Offering quick fix solutions to eliminate weapons or guns from society.  Blame, finger pointing, explanations, justifications.  These all won't do a thing to fix the hurt, the pain, the sorrow, and the grief.  The chance to change that so many lives were drastically, permanently changed, is over. And blame certainly won't replace the loved ones that were taken all too soon.
How do we get through these days of grief and sympathy, and not continue on with fear now motivating our thoughts and movements?  Is there possibly any good that could be found in any of this?? Yes. There just has to be.
To let the person or persons who created this nightmare, continue to inflict harm through our own psyche's just means he was further successful in his motives.
To take this opportunity, especially close to the holidays, to stop and appreciate and cherish every single precious minute with your children and family, would in some way redeem the misfortune of a day that will go into history.  Take someone's bad decision and make it into your second chance.  Take all the regrets and things that you wish you would do, or wish you had done, and make this your day to do it. Start living today like tomorrow is never coming.  People say this constantly, but could it be too late before most of us finally "get it"?  I don't want to live with regrets.  I have already been thinking about my New Year's Resolutions.  The big one that keeps coming back to me is "intentional".  Start living intentionally. Don't just try to be a better Mom, Wife, Friend, Christian.  Follow through and do it. Excuses are not acceptable anymore.  Because one day, when that day comes, when tragedy strikes and you have to look back and reflect, it won't be about how you wish you would have done it, but how happy you are that you did.