Tuesday, May 4, 2010

craziness ensues...

As of two weeks ago I am officially a "working mom" again, with an actual set schedule besides the flexible schedule I had before.  It was refreshing the first week, challenging the second, exhausting now going on the third. I've had childcare debates, childcare hires, childcare fires, and back on the childcare hunt once again. Working itself has not really not been my issue as you can tell.  I love being back in the "adult world", (even if it is for a childrens store). I love for the chance to socialize and talk to other Mom's, We all have the same laughter, and tears, and seem to always try to master it ALL!  As all you Mom's out there know, even as outside employment, or career goals are important, your kids will still rank number one.  Even when ready to get away from it all, it's always nice to come home where you're the only one who can make it better, or keep it together. Even when far from home, home is never far from mind. 
My goals always come down to balance, and life is really just a never ending chain of balancing. Just when you think you get the missing link in to make everything work just right;  you realize you need a couple more links.
Being gone from my "Mom Job" for 30-40 hours a week, has been an adjustment. Part of me mourns the comfort of the life I managed so well, but yearns for the freedom and identity of being me again, and getting to contribute financially to my family.  You do have to let go of the ideals you had for your life before and redesign your life, a piece at a time. It won't work though without cooperation and communication from every member involved. Because at the end of the day, that's what it really is about.
This weekend is Mother's Day. Usually I love any holiday that gives me an excuse to get gifts, or give gifts. But this year, with me returning to work, and watching my own mother almost loose her mother, I have come to look at this day as a chance to give Mom's the respect and adoration and gratefulness they so rightfully deserve.  We are expected to do it all, be everything and get it out the door and on time. I love the challenges that Motherhood has brought me so far, and I look forward to the rest of the journey.  Not only will I thank my Mom on this day, I will feel thankful, that I am a Mom.

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