Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound... to my toddler.

Ever have one of those Mama moments that you can absolutely justify a complete emotional explosion?

source: pinterest
How I want my children to exhibit calm, rational behavior in the midst of chaos, but yet have trouble doing so myself at times.  I suppose I could blame myself, I DID give her (the sweet, angelic faced little 2 year old) the rest of the entire bag of chips.  At her access, somewhat unattended. She of course did what made sense to her little mind in cleaning up the spillage of all that was left of that bag, all over the kitchen floor. And that is when I found her, the aftermath.  I had been washing dishes, music blaring to my favorite iheart radio station, (today: Jesus Culture), Singing along, "my chains are gone, I've been set free, my God my saviour, has ransomed me"  Amazing Grace how sweet the sound. How soon did I sing my soul to soaring with those words to then have to slap myself with those words in the midst of shock and surprise at what I saw when I turned around.  Tiny little pieces of taco chips all over the floor covering a 15 by 9 ft area, and more flying off yonder on to the carpet, the rugs, under the sofa, and my sweet Hope, rag in hand, swiping the chips from side to side even further. She was "cleaning up". Taking a deep breath, my words were "what happened?!" (insert elevated, high pitch, surprised). Then I stopped myself from going any further, "yes Lord, Amazing Grace!" went through my mind.  How much sweeter the sound of grace than the sound of my exhaustion giving way to a pent up temper that is NOT of God, but of my sinful nature. It is God in me, and not my own abilities that can allow me to make the right choices in the middle of chaos. This Mama moment was not only a chance to get my own emotions in check, but useful of a learning opportunity both of how to respond when something isn't right, and that Grace is responding in love, regardless of the circumstances!
photo credit: M. Martin

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