Monday, October 29, 2012

Holiday Jingle Jam FREE music class, and FREE month of piano lessons

Laura, at Sunflower Music studio, wanted to pass along to my readers a special for some great classes for children she is offering, and Private piano lesson discounts she is currently offering.

Music Together® is a parent-child music class designed to enrich learning through, songs, rhythm, music and instrument play.

Music Together® Classes are now being offered at Air Capital Gymnastics & Dance Co. in Wichita, and Raeann's Fancy Footwork in Derby.

There is a Free Holiday event,  and registration discounts going on right now, making this a great time to get signed up.

Class offerings are as follows:
Mixed Age Classes:  This is the essential Music Together® class, one that a child can attend from birth through age four through all nine song collections.  This basic 45-minute class follows the recommendations of child development researchers-grouping children of a variety of ages because this fosters natural, family-style learning.  Each child participates at his or her own level in singing, moving, chanting, listening, watching and exploring musical instruments.  Caregivers attend with the children.  
Music Together Big Kids™ Classes:  A 60-minute class geared to the interests and abilities of 5-7 year olds.  The program blends the elements of Music Together with new activities, skills, and challenges that are developmentally appropriate for this age group.  Big Kids classes lay the foundation for Basic Music Literacy, complementing music instruction in school or instrument lessons, leading to a lifetime of joyful music-making. The curriculum includes solfege, solos and ensembles, harmony singing and vocal development with activities like conducting, improvisation, story songs, and game songs.
The Holiday Jingle Jam, will be Saturday, December 8th at 10:30.  The Holiday Jingle Jam will be held at Air Capital Gymnastics & Dance Co. in Wichita and Raeann's Fancy Footwork in Derby.  Cookies, a musical play long and demo class, tuition discounts, and a drawing for the new musical storybooks. RSVP on my website -  space will be limited.  Holiday Jingle Jam is for  0-5 years old and the whole family is invited to attend including older siblings.  Visit the website or call  316-351-7235 to RSVP to Holiday Jingle Jam!

Laura also offers Private piano lessons for ages 6-adult and are held at the piano studio in Derby, KS.  When you register for piano lessons, you will receive your 2nd month of lessons FREE for a limited time.  Call  316-351-7235 to schedule your individual time.  Learn more about Laura Ruediger and Music Together at the website.