Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A little help in the bedroom...(wink wink)

Okay, this post is for the ladies only, and is for eyes over 18, so if you don't fit into that category, skedaddle. I'll have some more coupons, Wichita events, and life stories for you later.
I really want to talk to the Ladies, Mom ladies.

I know how busy you are. 
I know how at the end of the day, once you've loaded the last of the dishes into the dishwasher,
ran that last load of laundry,
tucked the last kid into bed for the night, it's all about you and sleep. Quick. 
Oh, but wait, what about your husband?  He's been waiting all day for some time with you. just a few minutes of conversation, or...yeah, he'll probably want something else too.
That something doesn't always happen like a load of laundry.  Sometimes it's the last thing that you want to deal with. And usually it can require an entire day of planning, then some romance and candle light, et cetera, et cetera.  You know what I mean.  We don't just turn on and turn off that easily sometimes.  I know this is something that happens at that middle aged stage of life, but I also know this can happen to busy Mom's of toddlers and babies, and kids. I know you don't want to talk about this stuff with your girlfriends, so I'm going to share this with you here, and then  you can casually tell them about it, because I happen to think it's really important stuff.

"Zestra Arousal Oil is a botanical based product designed to make sex more pleasurable. Used by millions of women. It is recommended by health care professionals, and clinically-proven. Zestra is safe, natural, hormone-free and effective for women of all ages and lifestages. 
Many women say that feelings of desire, arousal and sexual satisfaction do not happen as naturally as they would like. Zestra was developed to provide a much needed option that is safe and effective for all women to feel more sexually satisfied effortlessly."
And this is okay. Your marriage relationship is your most important relationship. To have happy, fulfilling marriages we need to be able to maintain intimacy with our spouses. Sex is a natural, God-given act given to couples to keep them unified and bonded. I truly believe that God gave sex as a blessing to marriages and that He wants us to enjoy it with our spouses.  Even when you aren't communicating the way you should be, the intimacy with your spouse can keep you bonded and close to them, even when there isn't time for anything else. 

Here's a little about what the Bible says about sex in marriage:

Genesis 2:24 
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

1 Corinthians 7:3 (NLT)
The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs.

There is even more to be found on this, and Song of Songs is one of the sexiest books in the bible if you want to read about true passion and romance.  

You owe it to yourself and your marriage to have the best sex life with your husband you can. Sometimes it's  going to take work. No matter what your beliefs, I think it's okay to admit that you may need a little boost, and this product promises to give you the extra umph, you need to get it done! 
Check out the video below, and make sure you get in on the free sample available by mail, just pay shipping.  (All packaging is discreet and no one will know what you've ordered!) Your husband will think it's Christmas when you get that package!! (wink wink!)

Read more about Zestra here,
Why are there double standards in marketing this product for women? Make sure you watch the clip from ABC new's 20/20 below. 

and check out Mars Hill Church and Mark Driscoll's sermon about Sex here. There are two chapters that cover this topic in his best selling book "Real Marriage".  If you haven't gotten this book, get it and read it immediately! It is great stuff! You can view his sermon on this topic, Sex: God, Gross or Gift read the transcript, or look into the book here too. 

*I was compensated by product sample to share this product with you.  All opinions are mine, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the company. I do not receive compensation for purchase or samples ordered.