Friday, September 2, 2011

WAHM September - Single Mom and Entrepreneur

In today's economy, Mom's who stay home with their kids are looking for ways to supplement their income.  Not all of us are naturally creative, crafty or inventive, and even if we are, it's becoming harder and harder to compete with the massive selection of handmade products available.

So what are the other options?  This month, my Work At Home Mom is an example of one of the options out there, and what is even more inspiring is she is a single Mom.

Amanda Birdsong got turned on to consignment shopping when her daughter was born. Born at 32 weeks and weighing only 4.5lbs, the NICU nurse first told her about a Rhea Lana's sale going on nearby where she was able to run and pickup the items she still needed.  Since then she got hooked on consignment shopping. After Rhea Lana's started offering franchises, she did the research and found they were one of the best opportunities in resale, with online inventory and the ability to pay the consignor on pickup days.  Two months after she purchased the franchise she suddenly became a single mom to her 18 month old. She learned quickly how consignment shopping was now not only a great option, but a necessity for her and other Mom's like her.

With an entrepreneurial spirit since she was a teen, she wrote her first business plan her Junior year of Highschool.  A marketing degree in college, then working in outside sales prepared her for owning a business. Working with other business owners as an outside sales rep developed a love for working within the community, and exposing her to the realities of running a business.  

I asked Amanda to explain what some of the differences are between owning a franchise, versus a start-up business. The largest difference appears to be in the initial start up. There are start-up fees, "territories", and royalty fees.  Then there are "renewal fees" after a certain time frame.  On the plus side, you have the support of a Corporation, a place for a multitude of relevant resources, and a support network of other franchise owners, whom she says have become a "2nd family" for her.

Her biggest source of inspiration and support has been her family:  Her Mom who has always encouraged her to follow her dreams and given her the confidence that she can do anything.  Her Dad who has worked tirelessly with her at sales and behind the scenes pitching in where needed. A cousin, Gena who has helped to shape her into the Christian woman she is today, who is also her Operations Manager, and the caregiver of her daughter since she was 4 months old.

Amanda's daughter in a "the bling couture" outfit
Being a good role model for her daughter, who is soon to turn 4, especially as a single Mom is the biggest inspiration in her life. She loves how her precious heart reminds her to "be kind, laugh often and enjoy the ride!"  Amanda says she "came into this world marching to the beat of her own drum", and it hasn't changed since.

When Amanda isn't selling children's clothes, she is making them.  She also has an apparel line that started with leotards and spread into rhinestone and boutique apparel for children and adults. Her best advice for other entrepreneurs is to "believe in yourself", "there are no rewards without risk, so be willing to take a risk".  (Check out for the leotards, and for her boutique apparel.)

Two businesses and her daughter keep her busy, but more than anything the best part is being able to help other Moms by providing a way to make money and save money, to making custom clothing for their little ones.  She relies on her faith to get her through, and her favorite scripture is Jeremiah 29:11, "for I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord", plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

You can visit the Rhea Lana's website for more info on consigning, volunteering and shopping, as well as  "like"  it on Facebook to keep up with the latest sale events and announcements!

1 comment:

  1. when i try to get pass it just takes me to my gmail?


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