Monday, April 11, 2011

Little life far

(this post is taken from my personal blog site. I wrote it two years ago!! I happen to think it's stuff I still need to remember!)

Life can be difficult, or life can be easy. It's really all a matter of perspective, don't you think? I am always on a quest to be better than I was yesterday. Not a quest for "perfection", I know that is irrational, and not the way anyone was intended. Just smarter. Work smarter, live smarter, love smarter, and believe smarter. Smartness is not all about just your brain power, it's taking that brain power and seaming it smoothly right alongside your emotions. Unfortunately, I am a person who will let one out bid the other on deciding my actions and reactions to things in life. Usually, yes, the emotions win. Maybe because I am a girl I am destined to behave dramatic and tragic. The older I get, the less drama is exciting, and tragedy... is just down right scary. Today I face issues and situations that are much more complex and stressful than my parents had to face at my age. And some issues, are just issues because I make them that way. Here's a couple of things running through my brain right now that I want to keep on my smartness list that I hope can make life easier and give more time for enjoying the good things in life. Would love to hear what anyone else keeps on their mental smartness list.

1. Simplify. Everything. Whatever you do now, make it simpler. Not easier, just less complex.
with bigger rewards.

2. My emotions are mine, and someone else didn't cause me to feel that way -I chose to feel that way. This is great for road rage. ;)

3. Don't leave the mess for later. Clean it up right then and there. Unfinished projects grow bigger and bigger the longer it sits. It's a LOT easier to do it now before your time is taken with other projects.

4. but, acting spontaneously is only good for things like bungee jumping, or skydiving or other adrenaline pumping activities. Spontaneity with money, relationships, time, is not.

5. Say "I love you" more.

6. Always know that no matter how bad it is, someone else has, or has had it worse. And if it's a bad as it has ever been for you at that moment...don't worry, it WILL get better.

7. I have a right to my opinion, I just don't always have the right to make it known.

8. Nothing in life stays the same. Expect and prepare for change.

9. Faith is the biggest gift we can allow ourselves to receive.

10. It really is true that if you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all. Those are moments that need nice things said the most.

11. Making a difference in someone's life, makes a difference in your own life.

12. Stop, think, then react. If needed, sleep on it.

13. Don't sweat what hasn't happened yet, chances are good, most of it won't happen.

Now I didn't come up with these all on my own. I have heard most or some of these most of my life. I just now finally, after 34 years decided to listen to it.
peace out.

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