Thursday, March 24, 2011

these ARE the good old days...

photo by: Jo Peattie

This morning I found myself having to sort through boxes of hodgepodge filled with a myriad of various items that have gone forgotten or unneeded. (Come on, you have those boxes in your storage too!!)  And due to my lack of organization the past four years, boxes of junk drawer receipts, owners manuals, and pictures were found all mixed into one.  Suddenly my search for missing paperwork became "trip down memory lane", as these types of searches usually end up.  My how time flies.  I find pictures of my oldest two, now 10 and 7, when they were just babies. Funny, how life is so hectic and busy, that I had almost forgotten what they were like at that age. Life was a whole lot different then, since coming out of a divorce, and life reshuffling, it makes you forget the sweet moments that were always there.

I celebrate a birthday tomorrow, a day that just feels like any other day now that I am so much older.  I understand now that nothing magical transpires each year that you get add a digit to your's more the moments and the memories that lead up to that day, that makes it a day to celebrate.  A Celebration of another year that you got to spend with loved ones, getting through life each day at a time.  Days not to take for granted. My parents and my grandparents look back on their lives, and you hear them mention "the good old days".  Ever wonder when your good old days will be?  Maybe, those moments that my kids were little, and the moments that they are growing up right before my eyes, are the good old days.  Ten years from now, I'll be looking through another box, and find pictures from now, and things will have changed, and be different, and there may have been pain, and there may have been tears to get from now to then.  But I probably won't remember them.  Hopefully I'll remember the conversations with my three year old, where he's explaining to me he "has to get bigger".  Oh yes, unfortunately you do. But that's okay, I understand know that these are the good old days.  I'll remember them fondly.

What do you think? Are these your good old days? Or are you sure the best is yet to come? What things do you look around at and think..."this is as good as it gets"?

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