Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Origin of the Easter Bunny, and before you buy one....

Easter is a holiday, like Christmas, that has Christian origins that have become more commercialized in our modern times. It appears that the actual Easter Bunny originated in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, and southwestern Germany in or about the early 1800's, and then introduced to Americans by German Settlers. Children would build brightly colored nests out of caps and bonnets and then hide them for the Osterhase, to come and lay brightly colored eggs if they had been good.
course, eggs and rabbits are long known symbols of fertility, and interestingly enough, rabbits are the only breed of animal that have the potentially largest litters, and can get pregnant while pregnant. That's why the whole "breed like rabbits" saying makes sense now! Eggs + Rabbits + fertility x spring = perfect symbols for Easter.
Many humane society associations are advising against the purchasing of real hares, rabbits, bunnies as Easter gifts, but my research has found that they make great pets, for the proper owner. Much like cats, they can be litter trained, need lots of brushing, and nail trimmings, and are curious, playful companions. They need socialization and care like any pet and can be successfully trained, played with, and does appreciate exercise.
Make certain you buy a good, roomy cage. (With a good place to put it.)
Good rabbit food along with ample supplies of green grass.
and find a good vet that specializes in the care of Rabbits. They can be spayed, or neutered.
Owning a rabbit is adding another member to the family, as they can live a very long life.
Coincidentally, the Humane Society and shelters are a great place to find unwanted rabbits, I would imagine, after the Easter holiday!

Happy Easter, and Happy Hunting!
Wichita City Mom

Sources for more detailed info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Bunny, http://exoticpets.about.com/od/rabbitcare/tp/rabbitcareguide.htm,

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