Thursday, March 18, 2010

My 2 cents...

Poor Sandra Bullock, I can't help but give my opinion on this matter. Granted it's no surprise that this happened in yet another "Hollywood marriage", but can they maybe learn from Tiger in this situation? I have to say, even though he created quite a story or two, the way him and his wife have handled it should be a good example for any couple going through the same thing. It's not easy, but it is possible to save a marriage after infidelity. Though painful, dealing with infidelity is a LOT easier than going through a divorce. Wouldn't want to handle both! It's obvious that this "mistress", if she is truly the actual one involved, is after publicity and attention. Shame on her, but I guess if she actually respected his marriage and children she wouldn't have gotten involved in the first place.
Good for Jesse James for immediately canceling his social networking sites, and, (already) making a public apology. In that way maybe Tiger is rubbing off. I pray for them, because it appears that they had a fairly normal existence, and because there is children involved. Everyone hurts in an affair and a divorce. The ripples are far and deep. Jesse should clean up his act, and they both should try to save what they started. Sandra should know that it has nothing to do with her/not her fault, and Jesse should try to get help if he has addiction issues.
I'm a big believer in therapy, faith, love and respect in marriage. Those three key things could fix what's broken and make it better than ever! I wish them the best!

Check out the following sites for help with your marriage. They have enhanced mine and others marriages that I know. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Not an expert, but I'd love to share what I've learned and am learning! Read about the "crazy cycle" we get in to in married life. This is amazing stuff on how to fight fair, and communicate better. I have read two of his books. It was very eye-opening. Great help in many different areas of marriage and family life. Even some help with sexual addiction and infidelity. (With a Christian perspective.)
And finally, if there are ponography issues, this has some good help with that. Women, ALL men have this as a temptation, especially with the internet having it so accessible. Talk with your man today to keep it away from your marriage. It's important stuff!

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